Search results for ""layoffs""

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Salesforce cuts around 1,000 roles globally despite record quarter
Aug 28, 2020
Jessica Goodfellow

Salesforce cuts around 1,000 roles globally despite record quarter

Shortly after recording one of its best-ever quarters, Salesforce put the wheels in motion for a retrenchment exercise.

Sojern cuts half of global workforce; senior APAC roles affected
Apr 6, 2020
Jessica Goodfellow

Sojern cuts half of global workforce; senior APAC roles affected

The travel adtech firm's VP of APAC is among those affected by severe cost-cutting in an attempt to "weather the storm".

Quartz, BuzzFeed retrench staff amid COVID-19 crunch
May 15, 2020
Jessica Goodfellow

Quartz, BuzzFeed retrench staff amid COVID-19 crunch

News publishers are taking drastic cost-cutting measures as they deal with plummeting ad revenue. In APAC, Buzzfeed's Australian staff and Quartz's Hong Kong office are affected.

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