Search results for ""layoffs""

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Aegis layoffs 'will not affect China'
Mar 20, 2009
Tracey Furniss

Aegis layoffs 'will not affect China'

SHANGHAI - Aegis Greater China has denied that the media group's global layoffs will affect the country.

Layoffs continue as McCann China downsizes
Mar 5, 2009
Tracey Furniss

Layoffs continue as McCann China downsizes

BEIJING - McCann Erickson China has confirmed it is making layoffs from its Beijing office and MRM arm.

TVB downsizes by seven per cent
Dec 1, 2008
Tracey Furniss

TVB downsizes by seven per cent

HONG KONG - Television station TVB today laid off seven per cent of its work force, totalling 212 members of staff.

Live Issue... Agencies face tough choices to maintain talent base
Apr 23, 2009
Tracey Furniss

Live Issue... Agencies face tough choices to maintain talent base

With agency budget cuts and staff layoffs, will the already small creative talent pool in the region suffer?

Live Issue... Can ad shops become consultants?
Apr 9, 2009
Tracey Furniss

Live Issue... Can ad shops become consultants?

M&C Saatchi is focusing its Asia strategy on brand consultancy.

Live Issue... HK stations combat sliding viewership
Jan 15, 2009
Tracey Furniss

Live Issue... HK stations combat sliding viewership

ATV and TVB are working to keep viewers from turning to cable TV or the web.

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