Search results for ""layoffs""

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Layoffs begin in Singapore
Mar 3, 2009
Asiya Bakht

Layoffs begin in Singapore

SINGAPORE - The global economic crisis is beginning to make its presence felt in the creative agency world in Singapore, with reports of staff layoffs and pay cuts for senior management.

Star TV restructure: up to 200 layoffs expected
Aug 19, 2009
Asiya Bakht

Star TV restructure: up to 200 layoffs expected

ASIA-PACIFIC - News Corp's decision to split Star TV Asia into three units is likely to result in up to 200 job losses in the Hong Kong office.

Seven regional marketers laid off by Motorola
Dec 3, 2008
Asiya Bakht

Seven regional marketers laid off by Motorola

SINGAPORE - Seven regional marketers at Motorola based out of Singapore have been retrenched following global job cuts at the cell phone brand.

Key executives at McCann Microsoft team depart
Jul 15, 2009
Asiya Bakht

Key executives at McCann Microsoft team depart

ASIA-PACIFIC - Two key executives working on the Microsoft business at McCann Worldgroup have left the agency.

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