Search results for ""layoffs""
Layoffs expected as Star Hong Kong revamps
HONG KONG - A shake-up at News Corporation's Star Asian television operation, which aims to cut costs and consolidate overlapping operations, is expected to result in sharp job cuts in Hong Kong and the rest of the region.
Bates China forms Bates MeThinks Group, denies rumour of Shanghai office closure
SHANGHAI - Bates China has denied reports in Chinese media that is has closed its Shanghai office due to the outcome of recent Buick pitches; instead Bates has integrated Bates Shanghai with MeThinks Group, a local agency that Bates acquired in 2007.
Classified Post kicks off campaign
HONG KONG - SCMP's Classified Post has kicked off a major campaign, borrowing from the triumph of US President Obama to stimulate hope among job seekers amid news of layoffs and redundancies.
Aegis Media China appoints D Sriram as chief operating officer
SHANGHAI - D Sriram, former Asia-Pacific CEO at Starcom MediaVest Group, has been appointed chief operating officer role for Aegis Media China.
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