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LEADER: Gunn Report shows print gap in region
Nov 14, 2003

LEADER: Gunn Report shows print gap in region

The United States and Britain have been the driving force in the advertising and marketing industry for more than 100 years; however, the latest Gunn Report indicates that their dominance is being put to the test.

BRAND HEALTH CHECK: Singapore Airlines - Singapore Airlines flies into turbulence
Aug 22, 2003

BRAND HEALTH CHECK: Singapore Airlines - Singapore Airlines flies into turbulence

There is painful truth in the saying 'the bigger they are, the harder they fall', as the Singaporean national airline is now discovering.

BRAND HEALTH CHECK: Singapore Airlines - Singapore Airlines flies into turbulence
Aug 22, 2003

BRAND HEALTH CHECK: Singapore Airlines - Singapore Airlines flies into turbulence

There is painful truth in the saying 'the bigger they are, the harder they fall', as the Singaporean national airline is now discovering.

Thailand's industry readies for comeback
Oct 1, 2003

Thailand's industry readies for comeback

Thailand's investment in conference and incentive facilities will show strong returns as the region picks up, reports David Johnson

Jun 27, 2003


Marketers are bracing for a further decline in the top-end universe when the impact of Sars is taken into account, writes Alfred Hille.

Jun 27, 2003


Marketers are bracing for a further decline in the top-end universe when the impact of Sars is taken into account, writes Alfred Hille.

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