Search results for ""layoffs""

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BBDO CEO Andrew Robertson addresses lay-offs, salary cuts and furloughs
Apr 16, 2020
Oliver McAteer

BBDO CEO Andrew Robertson addresses lay-offs, salary cuts and furloughs

Creative leader Greg Hahn among high-level talent laid off from BBDO.

Airbnb co-founder's note explaining 1,900 layoffs is perfect example of how to lead in crisis
May 7, 2020
Oliver McAteer

Airbnb co-founder's note explaining 1,900 layoffs is perfect example of how to lead in crisis

"I am truly sorry. Please know this is not your fault."

Brace for job axes to swing and production to change forever
Apr 5, 2020
Oliver McAteer

Brace for job axes to swing and production to change forever

An adland status check necessitates embracing this cliche: It really isn't all doom and gloom.

Mass hiring freeze looms in adland as holding companies tighten belts
Mar 23, 2020
Oliver McAteer

Mass hiring freeze looms in adland as holding companies tighten belts

Agencies across North America and beyond are implementing these measures as the full impact of COVID-19 still remains unseen.

Accenture Interactive's Droga5 purchase marks 'seismic shift'
Apr 5, 2019
Lindsay Stein, Oliver McAteer

Accenture Interactive's Droga5 purchase marks 'seismic shift'

The acquisition puts a renewed emphasis on creativity in marketing, industry experts say.

How will adland permanently change in the aftermath of coronavirus?
Apr 16, 2020
Lindsay Stein, Oliver McAteer

How will adland permanently change in the aftermath of coronavirus?

From new ways of working and revamped briefs to increased purpose-led work and more.

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