Search results for ""layoffs""

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Samsung Asia sees restructuring in marketing team,
Sep 26, 2013
Emily Tan, Racheal Lee

Samsung Asia sees restructuring in marketing team, "small number" of layoffs

ASIA-PACIFIC - Samsung Southeast Asia & Oceania has seen a restructuring in its marketing team, under its new regional president and CEO KK Park, for reasons that have been phrased as “new boss, new team”.

Hakuhodo's Woon Siew Hoh reflects on the right place to shine
Sep 25, 2013
Racheal Lee

Hakuhodo's Woon Siew Hoh reflects on the right place to shine

CREATIVE PROFILE: After turning its Indonesia office around, Hakuhodo’s Woon Siew Hoh enjoys the challenge of bringing the rest of the region up to the standard set by Japan.

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