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Layoff fears grip adland as coronavirus continues spread
Mar 18, 2020
Michael Heusner

Layoff fears grip adland as coronavirus continues spread

The majority of advertising professionals surveyed by Fishbowl believe the current crisis will lead to layoffs.

BBDO CEO Andrew Robertson addresses lay-offs, salary cuts and furloughs
Apr 16, 2020
Oliver McAteer

BBDO CEO Andrew Robertson addresses lay-offs, salary cuts and furloughs

Creative leader Greg Hahn among high-level talent laid off from BBDO.

Airbnb co-founder's note explaining 1,900 layoffs is perfect example of how to lead in crisis
May 7, 2020
Oliver McAteer

Airbnb co-founder's note explaining 1,900 layoffs is perfect example of how to lead in crisis

"I am truly sorry. Please know this is not your fault."

Publicis Groupe says it will not make job cuts in the next week
Mar 23, 2020
Lindsay Stein

Publicis Groupe says it will not make job cuts in the next week

A number of ad agencies have already made layoffs due to COVID-19 impact.

Salesforce cuts around 1,000 roles globally despite record quarter
Aug 28, 2020
Jessica Goodfellow

Salesforce cuts around 1,000 roles globally despite record quarter

Shortly after recording one of its best-ever quarters, Salesforce put the wheels in motion for a retrenchment exercise.

D&AD CEO resigns amid 'significant' redundancies
Jun 9, 2020
Gurjit Degun

D&AD CEO resigns amid 'significant' redundancies

Charity is reorganising business after 'dramatic' hit to revenue.

BBDO shuts Malaysia office, cuts staff in Hong Kong
Apr 30, 2020
Staff Reporters

BBDO shuts Malaysia office, cuts staff in Hong Kong

BBDO Asia CEO says the agency is realigning its operational focus in markets based on future demand.

Hill + Knowlton Strategies cuts staff in response to COVID-19
May 19, 2020
Thomas Moore

Hill + Knowlton Strategies cuts staff in response to COVID-19

Fewer than 5% of global employees have been affected.

Airbnb to pause all marketing amid COVID-19
Mar 30, 2020
Staff Reporters

Airbnb to pause all marketing amid COVID-19

The company cites mounting losses and will likely halt new hires and employee bonuses.

Sojern cuts half of global workforce; senior APAC roles affected
Apr 6, 2020
Jessica Goodfellow

Sojern cuts half of global workforce; senior APAC roles affected

The travel adtech firm's VP of APAC is among those affected by severe cost-cutting in an attempt to "weather the storm".

Golin names APAC president
May 21, 2020
Staff Reporters

Golin names APAC president

Ex-Weber Shandwick vice chair takes the regional reins at CMG sister agency.

How brands are prioritising tact and conscious comms
Apr 27, 2020
Surekha Ragavan

How brands are prioritising tact and conscious comms

A Red Havas report details the ways brands are pivoting toward more human and accessible messaging amid the crisis.

Brace for job axes to swing and production to change forever
Apr 5, 2020
Oliver McAteer

Brace for job axes to swing and production to change forever

An adland status check necessitates embracing this cliche: It really isn't all doom and gloom.

CP+B vets unveil global network for creatives
Dec 14, 2020
Alison Weissbrot

CP+B vets unveil global network for creatives

Jay Gelardi and Russell Heubach have launched Gypsy, a network of global creative talent capitalising on remote workers and the many layoffs from the big holding companies.

How will adland's freelance industry and gig economy change due to COVD-19?
May 6, 2020
Lindsay Stein

How will adland's freelance industry and gig economy change due to COVD-19?

"While marketing budgets are also being slashed to create 'oxygen' for these companies on 'life support,' taking marketing budgets to zero is not an option for many companies."

Asia-Pacific Power List 2020: Cheryl Goh, Grab
Jun 29, 2020
Staff Reporters

Asia-Pacific Power List 2020: Cheryl Goh, Grab

After solidifying the Grab brand following the acquisition of Uber's Southeast Asian business, Goh's marketing and communication skills were put to the test by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Quartz, BuzzFeed retrench staff amid COVID-19 crunch
May 15, 2020
Jessica Goodfellow

Quartz, BuzzFeed retrench staff amid COVID-19 crunch

News publishers are taking drastic cost-cutting measures as they deal with plummeting ad revenue. In APAC, Buzzfeed's Australian staff and Quartz's Hong Kong office are affected.

As freelancers flood the market, it will be survival of the fittest
Apr 6, 2020
Tash Menon

As freelancers flood the market, it will be survival of the fittest

As job cuts hit adland, those seeking freelance work must differentiate their strengths quickly and communicate it well, says one project matchmaker.

Mass hiring freeze looms in adland as holding companies tighten belts
Mar 23, 2020
Oliver McAteer

Mass hiring freeze looms in adland as holding companies tighten belts

Agencies across North America and beyond are implementing these measures as the full impact of COVID-19 still remains unseen.

AKQA-Grey merger will not happen ‘overnight’ in APAC
Nov 12, 2020
Surekha Ragavan

AKQA-Grey merger will not happen ‘overnight’ in APAC

It might take up to six months to name a leader in the region, says AKQA CEO Ajaz Ahmed.