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How to lead the way through adaptation in APAC
Aug 3, 2022
Staff Writer

How to lead the way through adaptation in APAC

In a time of upheaval, how can brands ensure they’re not just evolving with the times, but leading the way?

How agencies are adapting to an ever-evolving media mix
Nov 18, 2020
Staff Writer

How agencies are adapting to an ever-evolving media mix

The challenges thrown up by the pandemic have tested and strengthened many client-agency relationships. But with many businesses needing to fast-track digital transformation and budgets stretched, what are the steps agencies can take to help clients succeed?

LEO Digital Network: How do agencies work collaboratively with brands to navigate the new normal?
Nov 30, 2020
Staff Writer

LEO Digital Network: How do agencies work collaboratively with brands to navigate the new normal?

LEO Digital Network’s consumer-centric, data-enabled and content-targeted strategy is allowing it to thrive amid the economic fallout from Covid. The agency posted nearly 900% year-on-year growth in the first three quarters of 2020. We chat with their CEO, Dalton Zheng.

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