Search results for ""layoffs""

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Publicis Groupe says it will not make job cuts in the next week
Mar 23, 2020
Lindsay Stein

Publicis Groupe says it will not make job cuts in the next week

A number of ad agencies have already made layoffs due to COVID-19 impact.

How will adland's freelance industry and gig economy change due to COVD-19?
May 6, 2020
Lindsay Stein

How will adland's freelance industry and gig economy change due to COVD-19?

"While marketing budgets are also being slashed to create 'oxygen' for these companies on 'life support,' taking marketing budgets to zero is not an option for many companies."

Accenture Interactive's Droga5 purchase marks 'seismic shift'
Apr 5, 2019
Lindsay Stein, Oliver McAteer

Accenture Interactive's Droga5 purchase marks 'seismic shift'

The acquisition puts a renewed emphasis on creativity in marketing, industry experts say.

How will adland permanently change in the aftermath of coronavirus?
Apr 16, 2020
Lindsay Stein, Oliver McAteer

How will adland permanently change in the aftermath of coronavirus?

From new ways of working and revamped briefs to increased purpose-led work and more.

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