
1 day ago

Creative Minds: Jass Sin Lee on her future tattoos and trippy Photoshop dreams

The senior art director at Havas Malaysia originally thought she'd be saving lives as a doctor, but now instead spends her days saving JPEGs and PDFs.

2 days ago

Havas pushes integration with new ‘Converged’ strategy and invests $429.3 million in AI and tech

French agency group’s moves come ahead of possible stock market float.

Jun 10, 2024

2024 Cannes Contenders: Havas creative leads share their top bets

Donevan Chew, chief creative officer of Havas Malaysia and Kenneth Tung, executive creative director at Havas Hong Kong tells us which APAC campaigns are set to win a Lion at Cannes.

Jun 8, 2024

We can be better with AI, but we must be better than AI

Ahead of Cannes Lions, Campaign asked the CEOs of the big six agency groups how they make the business case for investing in creativity – now and in the coming age of artificial intelligence. Havas' Yannick Bolloré offers his view.

Jun 2, 2024

Rob Mayhew criticises B Lab over lack of Havas action

Rob Mayhew publicly called out B Lab on social media for its unresolved investigation into the Havas-Shell deal.

May 27, 2024

How JBL's brief to prove sound superiority brought gaming to the visually impaired

‘We didn’t know if this was possible’: By spurning the easy campaign route, the Singapore-based BLKJ Havas team chose to pioneer gaming accessibility for a new audience and brand alike with JBL Quantum Guide Play.